Trio company partnership offer for heater assembly

At this moment we are looking for partners for long-term partnership in India because we see a great potential on your market. What can be the partnership?

a. Wholesale
The prices start from 11.5 euro (appr. 14 USD) for the standard version and quantity of 1 FCL (min 4,000 pcs).

b. Local partial assembly (for sales in India and in South-Asian region)

In order to save up to 30% on transport and import customs taxes, we offer to apply local partial assembly.

What do we mean by that?

a. We supply the main heating part (element) that contains all the high technology. This part is 70% off the cost and the most difficult part of the product, still it makes only 25% of the weight and volume of the finished product (that will help to seriously save on the transportation).

b. The cost of the heating element starts from 9.5 euro/unit (appr.11.5 USD). There will be additional cost locally – appr. 1.5-2 USD per unit, (additional materials+spare parts+worker salary)

c. We already successfully applying this strategy in several regions, this helps our partners to save 20-30% on transport and import taxes (because it’s a half-product and is not taxed as a ready product) .

d. Locally you’ll need to settle an assembly line. Rough digits for assembly of 200 units per shift: 30-40 ?2 place, 2-3 workers, training period: 1 week. Workers’ qualification: at least little experience in electrical works, doesn’t need special qualification. One-time expense for the workshop: max 1500 USD.

e. Apart from the workshop must be organized the supply of wooden holders (up and bottom frame) and the electrical cords with plugs. All other spare-parts and tools are free available in the construction markets. The essence of the assembly is to solder the cord and fix it to the heating element and then to fix the holders with screw-driver. Upon request we’ll send the video of assembly process.

f. No special equipment, spare-part or material is needed.

Due to the extreme harassment of the domain investors by indian tech, internet companies, government agencies, ntro, raw, cbi, who falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, and the worsening status of educated women in India the domain investor cannot consider this offer herself. hence this is reposted free of cost, so that interested well connected businesses or individuals can take up the offer. Kindly note that greedy goan R&AW employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employees sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, her lazy fraud sons jio employee nikhil, karan, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree, indore robber deepika, haryana fraud mba hr ruchi kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and others are not associated with the website, since they do not pay domain renewal fees,do not do any work, yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims.
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Carbon fiber heating panel description- partners required


1.Very low consumption of electricity: 400 watts,the heating effect as of 1000-1200 watts’ standard heater

2.The technology of Far Infrared heating is very popular in the world because of positive effect on human health (doesn’t burn air, doesn’t create breathing problems, very low electromagnetic field)

3.Very reasonable price: the similar products may cost several times more expensive. Because of the uniqueness of our technology we can produce without using expensive materials (first of all, expensive framework)

4.Safety : 10-year experience of researches and tests, all certificates and technical documentation including CE safety certificate.

5.Aesthetics: On the front of heater any image can be put (at this moment we have 17 images). The heater is easily transported (0.9 kg) and doesn’t need installation.

Will make the temperature in a room of 10-12 m2 higher +6+8 ?C in several hours.

Sizes: 100?57 cm

Power : 400 Watts

Voltage: 220V

Heating element: carbon fiber
Additional options (see pictures below):
– built-in overheating protection module
– 4-stage mechanical regulator (off/full power/half power/off) with light indicator
– Wall hanging set
– Individual package

Due to the extreme harassment of the domain investors by indian tech, internet companies, government agencies, ntro, raw, cbi, who falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, and the worsening status of educated women in India the domain investor cannot consider this offer herself. hence this is reposted free of cost, so that interested well connected businesses or individuals can take up the offer. Kindly note that greedy goan R&AW employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employees sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, her lazy fraud sons jio employee nikhil, karan, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree, indore robber deepika, haryana fraud mba hr ruchi kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and others are not associated with the website, since they do not pay domain renewal fees,do not do any work, yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims.
For a free listing, please send email to

Trio company looking partner – partial assembly of far Infrared Heater in India

Looking for partner – partial assembly of far Infrared Heater in India (for sales in India and in South-Asian region

Our company is seeking
for a partner in your
country of new type
of heating products
based on our own
carbon fiber far
infrared technology.

TRIO Company
(Kiev,Ukraine) is the owner
of the patented unique carbon fiber far infrared technology and producer of wall-hung heating panels; we also produce a
number of other similar products based on this
technology since 2010. Our products have been very successful on our market and exported to a number of countries in Europe, Middle East, South America. The specialty of our technology
enables us to offer very competitive prices under high quality.

Due to the extreme harassment of the domain investors by indian tech, internet companies, government agencies, ntro, raw, cbi, who falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, and the worsening status of educated women in India the domain investor cannot consider this offer herself. hence this is reposted free of cost, so that interested well connected businesses or individuals can take up the offer. Kindly note that greedy goan R&AW employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employees panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, her lazy fraud sons jio employee nikhil, karan, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree, indore robber deepika, haryana fraud mba hr ruchi kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and others are not associated with the website, since they do not pay domain renewal fees,do not do any work, yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims.
For a free listing, please send email to

When google is not interested in a webmaster, online publisher, it will terminate Google adsense account without valid reason

One of the best indications that google is not interested in a webmaster, online publisher, it will terminate their Google adsense account without valid reason. Google can easily remove the domains, or ask for changes, yet it will simply terminate the Google adsense account.
Google will also not offer any customer support to the publisher whose account is disabled.
Though google employees are experts in spreading false rumors, in reality google will never treat the publisher fairly in future

Choose contractors, business partners carefully

One of the features of living in india, especially indian society, government is that honesty and humanity are no longer valued. Instead only those who are “very greedy for money” , ruthless, without humanity are given great powers in India at present.
It has become very difficult to trust anyone in India, hire contractors outsource work, since everyone will betray
For example after paying haryana R&AW employee ruchika kinge, nayanshree hathwar in 2011-2012, the retirement savings of the domain investor were stolen, these fraud raw employees refused to reply, and were also rewarded with monthly raw salaries for falsely claiming to own the bank account of the domain investor , though they never did any computer work
So though R&AW employees ruchika, nayanshree are well connected, they should not be trusted, since they will ruthlessly cheat, exploit, betray any person who makes the mistake of trusting them.