Rich and powerful communities united in robbing the resume, data of hardworking migrants from north karnataka to get government jobs

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to help or defend the hardworking migrant professionals, investors from north karnataka, especially from poorer communities, the rich and powerful communities in india like the gujjus, sindhis, indoris, haryana, goan bhandaris,gsbs, shivalli brahmins, banias are united in robbing the resume, data of hardworking migrants from north karnataka to get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.

The rich and powerful have a very effective technique for resume robbery of hardworking migrant professionals,especially engineers with a good JEE rank from north karnataka. First they will hysterically make complete fake allegations without any legally valid proof, repeat their lies like parrots to create an illusion of truth, and then rob the resume, data to get lucrative government jobs with robbed resume for goan call girls, sindhi school dropouts, cheater housewives and other fraud girlfriends, relatives and associates who did not answer JEE.

After a huge amount of taxpayer money has been wasted for more than 15 years to find non-existent proof against the hardworking single woman engineer, the incompetent government agencies do not have the honesty and humanity to stop falsely accusing the innocent engineer, and continue to waste resources to cover up the resume robbery, online, financial fraud, slavery and digital arrest racket.