shivalli brahmin, haryana officials collaborating in massive iwriter, writing fraud since 2010 to get cheaters ruchita kinge, nayanshree monthly raw salary

The domain investor is forced to waste time complaining because at least 5 SHAMELESS GREEDY CHEATER states are extremely ruthless in criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting and ROBBING her, causing great financial losses and destroying her reputation
One of the biggest writing online frauds is how shivalli brahmin, haryana, goa officials collaborating in massive iwriter, writing fraud since 2010 to get cheaters ruchita kinge, nayanshree monthly raw salary for faking writing work, which the domain investor actually does spending her time
Both the karnataka, haryana government are aware that the domain investor paid the fraud raw employees ruchita kinge, nayanshree only for a few months in 2011-2012, after which their boyfriends robbed the retirement savings and both ruchita kinge, nayanshree, have not replied to the domain investor who tried to contact them to get her robbed savings. Hence it is not possible for cheater raw employees ruchita, nayanshree, to do writing work, yet government makes fake claims
Yet in a clear case of CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, SLAVERY, the LIAR states, government agencies are falsely claiming that their employees like nayanshree, ruchita who do not spend time are writing the content to get them monthly salaries after robbing the content which the older single woman engineer is writing spending her time daily , denying the single woman engineer the right to equality, and also CRIMINALLY defaming the single woman
It is an indication of widespread CHEATING, LIES, FRAUD in the government that though the lies of raw employees nayanshree, ruchita can be easily proved checking their financial records, the indian government continues with its complete lies, causing great losses to the single woman who is denied the right to equality since 2010. Most writers, including chetan bhagat are writing from home, the government does not rob their resume, falsely give housewives credit, only the domain investor is being ROBBED, CHEATED, EXPLOITED