2016 reddit post exposes government SLAVERY, deal between karnataka and goa intelligence to make goa 1989 jee topper a government SLAVE

Usually the state intelliegnce will support citizens, investors from that state, and at least ensure that they get what they deserve. Yet in one of the worst examples of government SLAVERY in the world, goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor was slandered, criminally defamed in the worst manner making 100% fake allegations without any proof at all, so that at least 15 frauds from different states, especially goa, karnataka could get government jobs for faking domain ownership, paypal, bank account without doing any computer work, without investing any money online
The karnataka and goa intelligence were aware that the single woman alone was doing the computer work, alone investing the money online, yet indicating the dishonesty in the extremely powerful intelligence agencies, abuse of power, they continued to make fake allegations to destroy the credibility of the single woman so that they could cheat, exploit and rob her to the maximum extent possible.
2016 reddit post exposes government SLAVERY, deal between karnataka and goa intelligence to make goa 1989 jee topper a government SLAVE, working long hours for very less money by destroying her reputation, while others got excellent government salaries only for making fake claims of domain, bank account ownership